military tent

military tent are the accommodation of choice for those who love to immerse themselves in nature, but did you know that the canvas tent also played an important role in our history?

Not only have tents been around since ancient times, but they've played a central role in sheltering and protecting soldiers in both the Revolutionary and Civil War.

Other features include window with storm delirium; a cookstove jack with rainfall delirium that can repel extremely high temperatures from heating and cuisine ranges; 13"sod cloth on bottom of roof provides rainfall-tight seal; corroborated crest line, eaves, end- wall seams and roof bottom; 5ft. doors secured by heavy- duty zipper with storm delirium, side- release buckles. Numerous make their own roof frames but we also offer them as an option ( vended independently).

To buy  Chamonix Canvas Tent click here:-

canvas tent

4 person tent

6 person tent

8 person tent

10 person tent

canvas tent with stove


bell tent

insulated tent

canvas bell tent

yurt tent

yurts for sale


glamping tents

luxury tents

glamping tents for sale

platform tent

white tent


wall tent

12 person tent

hunting tent

wall tents for sale

winter tent


canvas cabin tent

military tent

cabin tent

military canvas tents

tent with stove jack

Chamonix Canvas Tent

Canvas tent for sale
